Welcome Prof. Hanmin Liu ​from Jinan University, China to be Conference Chair! 

日期:2019-12-30 点击量:  968次


Prof. Hanmin Liu, Jinan University, China

Research Area: 

International business;managerial economics; theory of the firm and strategic management

Research Experience:

2018.05 -Present: Chair, Committee of Supervision, Bank of Guizhou

2003.04 -Present: Professor of Business Administration and Economics

•Teaching:international business;managerial economics; theory of the firm and strategic management.

•Reseaching:complexity of organization ;path dependence in corporate governance;institutional analysis

•Consulting:organizational design;business plan & strategy development.收起

2007.03-2009.09: Visiting Research Scholar, University of California, Haas School of Business

He audited courses from the undergraduate level to doctor, including microeconomics,international business,game theory,stradegic management, corporate governance and the like,and did research work in the field of business & public policy under the guide of O.E.Williamson,mainly researched the path dependence & path creation in Chinese corporate governance from the perspectctive of complixity.